Are Online Jobs an Alternative for Govt Jobs ?
Yes! Online Jobs Could be an Alternative
This is a great co-incidence that both govt jobs and online jobs are so popular in India among our younger generation. Only difference between these two is, govt jobs has being there for a while but online jobs are new phenomena.
It may be true that online jobs are new phenomena. However, they are spreading like a wild fire on the Internet. We all know, desire for a govt job is deep rooted in our social believe system. People still prefer a government job over any other private sector job.
But the question I asked, are online jobs an alternative for a govt jobs? Well! The answer is Yes! It is.
Online Jobs are Better than a Govt Jobs
I can challenge anybody and say that online jobs are better than a govt jobs. I do understand, people in India, would not believe this because the desire for a government job is so high.
But I will talk with facts not opinion. In this article, I am not giving an opinion that online jobs are better than government jobs. But I have some facts to convince you. Remember we need to understand this by facts not opinions.
I am presenting six facts that will open your eyes and you might start believing, that yes, online jobs are indeed better than other jobs.
1. No Experience, No Degree, No Entrance Exams
An online job does not require experience of any kind. You do not need even a degree or any formal education.
What you need is passion to succeed, in other words, a burning desire to be something in your life. You do not have to stand in a long queue for filling an application for a govt job.
Moreover, there is no headache of clearing an entrance exam, like you have to clear for a government jobs.
To get a govt job, first you have to clear an exam, you also need a college degree then some work experience. After all this, you qualify for a government job.
However, in an online job only thing you need is desire to make money.
2. Be Your Own Boss
In a govt job, you have to obey orders of your seniors. They will decide how you are going to work and you always have to follow a discipline. However, in an online job you are your own boss.
If something goes wrong then your job is at stake. In online jobs you will control your destiny. This is a big difference between an online job and govt jobs.
Also Read: Why Private Jobs are Better Than Government Jobs in 2022
3. Working Hours
Working hours of a government job is usually 9 to 5. Sometimes, you have to work more without asking a question to your officers. Moreover, you do not get any money for extra working hours because your monthly salary is already fixed.
But in an online job you choose your working hours. You get more time to spend with your family and friends. Here, you do not have to work under somebody else. Hence, this is another difference between the two jobs.
4. Make More Money
The most important difference between both of them is money. As we all know, in a government job your salary is fixed. You do not get anything extra. However, in online jobs you make money depending on the time you work.
Hence, if you work more then you make more money. If you work less then you make less money. But still the amount of money you can make in online jobs is 10 times higher than a Sarkari Naukri.
In fact, there is no limit in making money when it comes to online jobs. That is the big difference between these two.
5. No Retirement
In a government job, you have to retire after certain age. On the other hand, in online jobs you can work your life time.
If you are in a government job then you build your house after you retire because you never had enough money all these years to build a house. On other side, an online job could pay you enough money to build a house in just few years.
Moreover, certain Sarkari Naukri are not fit for women but there are women working for online jobs. You will find housewives and stay-at-home moms making money online.
6. Luxurious Lifestyle
As I said earlier, you can make more money in an online job compared to a government job. With an online job you can live a luxurious lifestyle or I may say a better life.
In a govt job, you only get to live in government quarters and you have to hoard money for entire life.
On the other hand, an online job can make, all your wishes come true if you are serious.
Hence, I tried to convince you with facts that online jobs could be an alternative to a Sarkari Naukri.
Future of Online Jobs & Govt Jobs
Now this is an important question. What is the future of online jobs? If you see the trend, it clearly tells that online jobs are going to rise in India and elsewhere. The COVID-19 pandemic is also accelerated existing future of online jobs.
Today government wants to privatize all their departments. Therefore, they are downsizing and firing employees because they have become burden on them. So people who want to go for a government job must think once again.
On the other hand, online jobs are growing day by day as Internet itself is growing. Younger generation has more opportunity in online jobs than government jobs.
Thus, if you are a young graduate, a working professional, a retiree, a housewife, for everyone I will suggest online jobs.
How to Start an Online Job?
Starting an online job could be a child’s play. However, here I want to caution that online jobs are not any lottery or jackpot. You will not make money overnight as you have to work for day and night. It needs a serious effort from your side.
Do not think about an online job, if you are not ready to work hard. Initially, you have to work hard and then later on, you could reap the benefit.
Coming back to, starting an online job.
There are different types of online jobs and you have to choose one of them according to your choice or liking.
Finally, in conclusion I would say online jobs could offer a genuine alternative for a govt job. If you think only a government job is the best then you are wrong.
In this article, I have given enough facts to prove that online jobs are much better than a government job.
You need to go to the website I mentioned above and follow all the details given there. You will succeed in making money online if you follow the website correctly.
I will end, by giving you a warning, never think or imagine online jobs will make you rich overnight. Here, you have to work hard and then you make money after sometime.
If you are not ready for the hard work then do not go for an online job. Just stick to govt jobs.
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